Find statistics on videos and media
Many ThoughtFarmer customers have videos embedded on their intranet. This is a great way to display video content on the intranet and prevent users from having to leave the site.
With ThoughtFarmer Analytics, you can see how well your videos are performing. You can check how many plays a video had, how many times it was finished to the end, average time spent on the video, and who has viewed the video.
To view your video statistics, go to ThoughtFarmer Analytics Canada or ThoughtFarmer Analytics US. On the left hand side, click Media, then Video. Ensure that you have the desired date range selected at the top.
You will see the list of videos that have had some form of engagement in the selected time period. Please note, the Video Title that appears on ThoughtFarmer Analytics is the name of the video file itself, not the page title that the video is embedded on.
- Plays: the number of times the video has been played overall in the given time period (not unique plays)
- Impressions: the number of times a visitor viewed a page where the video was included
- Play rate: the number of times that a visitor played the video after seeing it on a page
- Finishes: the number of times a visitor watched or listened to the video until the end
- Avg. time spent: the average time that a visitor spent watching or listening to the video
- Avg. media length: the average media length of the video or audio file
- Avg. completion: the percentage of how much of a video was watched by visitors. This number can be over 100% if the video is played on a loop.
If a media embed is not being tracked properly, please contact the ThoughtFarmer Helpdesk for assistance.
How to find who specifically has played, watched, or listened to your video
While the total number of plays may be helpful, some organizations want to know exactly who has viewed their videos/media. Here's how you can find out.
Hover over the video that you want to check and click the Segmented Visits Log icon highlighted above. A window will appear that shows which users have viewed the video/media file in that given period.
Other videos/media that are not hosted within ThoughtFarmer
The Video report can track the views for Vimeo, SoundCloud and YouTube as long as they are embedded into ThoughtFarmer in an <iframe>.
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