Number of views of a page over time
Note: The analytics feature described on this page (powered by 3rd party Matomo) will soon be deprecated as we’ve introduced new, enhanced in-app analytics to better serve your needs. While there’s no official date for the phase-out yet, we recommend exploring the new tools for more powerful insights.
You can capture the unique pageviews of a page over a period of time in a graph. This feature is called Row Evolution.
- Under the Page Titles report, hover your mouse on the page title (URL) and look for the chart icon to appear.
- Once it appears it will show the row evolution model window.
Row evolution shows how stats for specific metrics evolve over time. However, we don't display the non-unique pageviews on the row evolution at this time.
You can choose to compare this evolution to another page by clicking Pick a row to compare at the bottom of the window.
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