Find user event statistics
The Users report allows you to see what user events are happening, and what pages they are happening on.
First, what is an event? An event is when a user creates, edits, comments, follows, likes, shares, and/or bookmarks a page on your intranet.
In the Users report, the column headings include all of these events as well as visits, views, and searches.
Notice how five of seven users in this report have a plus symbol in front of their name. This means that they have performed an event. If you click a plus icon, the row expands to show the breadcrumbs of the pages the events occurred on.
In the image above, the rows for Guy, Jessica, and Sarah have been expanded to show the breadcrumbs of the pages where the events occurred.
For Guy in blue:
- We see that Guy has 1 create and 1 edit. When we expand the row, we can see that he created and also edited the page called "ThoughtFarmer cloud upgrade process (v9.x -> x9.x)"
For Jessica in green:
- We see that Jessica has 1 comment. When we expand the row, we can see that she made a comment on a page called "Staff Event-Lagree West"
For Sara in yellow:
- We see that Sara has 5 creates. When we expand the row, we can see the 5 pages that she created.
The page breadcrumbs that display when the row is expanded are links to the pages where the events occurred. Click on a page breadcrumb to visit the page where an event occurred.
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