Required reading reports and actions
Required reading permissions
Users can only view detailed required reading reports and perform the other actions described on this page if they have been given permission to set up required reading by an administrator. To learn more about required reading permissions, see Configure required reading.
See Required reading for users to learn the basics of using the Required reading feature. See Assign required reading to learn how to add required readers to content.
View Required reading dashboard and detailed page reports
The Required reading dashboard has two tabs:
- My required reading: A list of pages that are assigned to you as required reading.
- Manage required reading pages: A list of pages you own or can edit that have required readers assigned.
To view the Required reading dashboard:
- Click on your name or profile photo on the top right of any page.
- In the menu that opens, click Required reading.
My required reading: For each page assigned to you as required reading, you can see the page title, page owner, the date you were assigned to read the page, and whether you have confirmed that you have read the page or not. Clicking on the page title will take you to the page.
Manage required reading pages: If you own or can edit any intranet pages that are assigned as required reading, they will be listed under the Manage required reading pages tab. You can see the page title, page owner, and a status bar and statistics showing how many required readers have a Confirmed or Not confirmed status. Hover your cursor over a specific page listing and the View report link appears on the right. Click View report to see a detailed report about the required readers for that page.
The page-specific Required reading report shows required readers' names, managers, confirmed/not confirmed status and the date and time the status was set to confirmed. If enabled on the Required reading admin page, up to two other profile fields may show in this report. From the report, editors can search, sort, filter and edit the required readers list. Editors can also email required readers, export the report data, reset all readers to Not confirmed, or Delete all required reading data and remove the required reading designation from the page. (To learn more about adding or emailing required readers, see Assign required reading.
Editors can go directly to the detailed report from the Required reading page by viewing the Required reading tab in the page header, and clicking Go to report.
The following sections describe actions found under the Required reading tab in the expanded page header:
Export required reading data
Required reading data for a specific page can be exported to an Excel file for viewing in a different format, or to store the data for reference before resetting read status or removing required reading from the page.
To export required reading data:
- Go to the page that you want to export data for.
- Click the down arrow on the right of the page header to open the Page Controls.
- Click the Required reading tab.
- Click Export data. The file will download as an Excel file. The first sheet shows the intranet name, the page title for the Required reading page, the user who downloaded the report, and the date and time it was downloaded. The second sheet shows details for each user who is assigned to read that page - including name, title, email, manager, up to two optional profile fields (if enabled), what date they were assigned the reading, whether they have confirmed the reading and when it was confirmed.
Reset read status
If a new version of required reading content is produced, you may need all required readers to read and confirm the page again. For instance, an Employee Handbook may be revised annually and employees required to read and confirm they have read the revision.
To reset all required readers to a Not confirmed status again, use the Reset all feature. Resetting the read status will delete all existing read confirmation data. If you want to have a record of previous read confirmations, export the required reading data on the page before resetting all (To learn more, see the Export required reading data heading).
- Go to the page that you want to reset the required reading status for.
- Click the down arrow on the right of the page header to open the Page Controls.
- Click the Required reading tab.
- Click Reset all.
- To confirm that you want to reset the status of all required readers to Not confirmed and delete any existing reader confirmation data, click Reset in the Reset all pop-up window.
Delete required reading data for a page
If a page no longer needs to be required reading, it can be removed as required reading by deleting all required reading data associated with the page. All required reading data (including existing read confirmations) will be deleted if you click Delete all data under the Required reading tab. If you want to have a record of previous read confirmations, export the required reading data on the page before Deleting all data (To learn more, see the Export required reading data heading).
- Go to the page that you want to delete all required reading data/remove required reading for.
- Click the down arrow on the right of the page header to open the Page Controls.
- Click the Required reading tab.
- Click Delete all data.
- To confirm that you want to delete all required readers and their confirmation data, and remove the required reading designation from the page, click Delete in the Delete all data pop-up window.
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