Build Form messaging
FormFlow offers several areas where you can create messaging for the form’s end-users. This messaging can help you really customize the user experience of your form.
- You can access the messaging tab directly from the form builder.
- There are five main areas where you can create custom messages.
Form description - The form description is the text that displays in the form card along with your title in the main forms overview page. It also displays under the form name on the form submission page.
Button labels - There are two button labels you can customize; the button to initiate a form submission and the button to submit the form. By default the initiate button is labelled “Start request” and the submit button is labelled “Submit”. You can change these labels to suit your needs, but keep the text brief. They are buttons after all.
Form entry title - This option allows you to create a unique title for each form submission. It is defaulted to display [Form name] - [User ID], but you have a number of other variables that can be used. For a full list of options, simply enter a square bracket “[“ in the content box.
Thank you - A thank you is the message a user receives after they have submitted the form. It is automatically set to say “Thanks” in the title and “Thank you for your submission” in the message body, but you can create whatever messaging you like. The title must be text-only but the message body can include images, hyperlinks, source code, and more to help you get creative.
Confirmation email - (For version 9.7+, see Form Notifications) For versions 9.5/9.6: If you would like confirmation emails to be sent to people when they submit a form entry, select the checkbox Send email confirmations to people submitting the form. The email subject is automatically set to show the Form name and "entry submitted". The email message is set to say "Thank you for your submission. It has been received and is being reviewed. View your entry, [Form entry title], to check the status." You can modify the email subject and message, and can include the variables Form entry title, Submitter name and Date submitted in your message by typing a square bracket [ and selecting from the dropdown menu.
Unable to View or Submit - This is the message people will see when they do not have permission to view a form that is embedded on a page they can view. The default title is "You are unable to access the form." and the default message body is "You do not have permission to view or submit the form." Both title and message body can be customized.
Closed - This is the message users will see if a form is closed when it’s embedded on a page. The title is defaulted to say “Sorry, this form is closed” and the message body is defaulted to say “It is no longer possible to submit an entry for this form.” As with the Thank you message, the title and message body are completely customizable.
Form description - The form description is the text that displays in the form card along with your title in the main forms overview page. It also displays under the form name on the form submission page.
- Each messaging area has simple text and/or paragraph boxes for you to enter your new content. Just click in the appropriate box to open the editor and type your custom message.
- Click Save to save your changes and return to the main Messaging screen.
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