Backup a SQL Server database
Backing up a SQL Server database requires that you have the proper rights to login to SQL Server through SQL Management Studio. You also need the proper rights on the database to perform the backup. It is recommended that your login has db_owner role membership for the ThoughtFarmer database.
Backup the ThoughtFarmer database to disk
- Open SQL Management Studio.
- Connect to the SQL server instance where the ThoughtFarmer database is.
- Click on the server name to expand the tree in the Object Explorer.
- Open the Databases folder and right-click on the ThoughtFarmer database.
- Choose Tasks > Back up...
- In the Backup type list box select "Full".
- In the Destination section select Backup to: Disk
- Choose a new backup location by selecting the default, clicking Remove and then clicking Add.
- Choose a new location and file name. Be sure that the specified location has sufficient space to store the backup.
- Click OK to begin the backup.
Note: The above process will select a new location for the backup to separate a pre-upgrade backup from your regular maintenance plan backups. You can still use the default backup, if preferred, by not changing anything in steps 7-9 above.
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