Timezone settings
Timezones are used in ThoughtFarmer for Calendar events. Users are able to choose their preferred timezone. This will be the default for any Calendar events they create. The site default timezone will dictate the timezone set for any new users.
Users can also select whether to use 12 or 24 hour time format in their settings. To learn more, see Profile settings.
Change default timezone for the site
- Go to the Admin panel.
- Click Site settings on the top left, under the version number.
- Click the triangle on the right of the Default timezone field to open a dropdown list of timezones.
- Click to select the desired default timezone for your intranet site.
- Click Save.
Users can select their preferred timezone by navigating to their profile page, opening the Page Controls and clicking Settings to edit their profile settings. Select the timezone from the dropdown menu and click Save at the bottom of the page. Administrators who can edit user profile pages can change a user's timezone in the same way.
Timezone mismatch warning
If the timezone a user has selected in their ThoughtFarmer profile settings does not match the timezone selected on their device, by default a warning message will appear.
If you do not want the warning message to show:
- Go to the Admin panel: Advanced section > Configuration settings page.
- Find the config setting user.timezone.warning.enabled, and set the value to False.
- Click Save.
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