Custom card event communication API
The custom card JavaScript API has an interface for listening to, and creating events for communication. This allows custom cards to implement more flux-like patterns. This allows async operations (such as data loading) to be separated from the views, and custom React components that properly add/remove event listeners can avoid the need for isMounted checks. This API can also be leveraged for communication between different custom cards.
addEventListener(type: string, callback: function);
You can add an event listener using the addEventListener method.
type is a string, it does not have to be defined anywhere beforehand. You can add as many listeners for the same type as you need. It is a good practice to make the type value fairly unique to avoid potential collisions. For example, prefer 'tfc-required-reading-update' over a more generic value like 'update'.
callback is a function you want to be called when the event is fired.
NOTE: Make sure to remove any listeners when the custom card is destroyed.
removeEventListener(type: string, callback: function);
The values for this method are the same as addEventListener. It is safe to call even if addEventListener was not previously called.
fireEvent(type: string, arg1: any, arg2: any, arg3: any);
Fires an event to all listeners added through the addEventListener method.
type is the name of the event you are firing. Unlike flux actions, only listeners for the specific event type are called.
arg1, arg2, arg3 are values you want to pass to the listener. You do not need any arguments, 3 is the maximum.
var SearchResultsEventName = 'tfc-sweet-search-results'; function createSearchAction(searchQuery) { tf.api.newApiRequest('/api/search', searchQuery, 'POST', function (resp) { ctx.customPortlets.fireEvent(SearchResultsEventName, resp.success,; }); } class TFC_SweetSearchResults extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { isLoading: true, hasError: false, results: [], }; this.onSearchResults = this.onSearchResults.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { this.props.ctx.customPortlets.addEventListener(SearchResultsEventName, this.onSearchResults); createSearchAction({ query: 'test' }); } componentWillUnmount() { this.props.ctx.customPortlets.removeEventListener(SearchResultsEventName, this.onSearchResults); } onSearchResults(success, data) { if (!success) { this.setState({ isLoading: false, hasError: true }); return; } this.setState({ isLoading: false, results: data.items }); } render() { if (this.state.isLoading) { return <div>Loading...</div> } return <div>{`There were ${this.state.results.length} search results found`}</div> } } replaceView(<TFC_SweetSearchResults ctx={ctx} />);
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