Specify available fonts and font colors in RTE
Most companies have specific brand standards to follow that specify fonts and font colors. Some organizations may want to apply these standards, or other internal brand standards, to their intranet. These configuration settings allow administrators to select what fonts and font colors are available for users to select from in ThoughtFarmer's Rich Text Editor.
To learn more about selecting fonts and font colors across your intranet, see Fonts and font colours in RTE.
Specify available fonts

- Go to the Admin panel: Advanced section > Configuration settings page.
- Type font in the Search config settings field to narrow the config settings results.
- Find the config setting:
- Click in the Value column beside the config setting. Enter a semi-colon-separated list of fonts that you want to be available for use. (E.g. Arial;Georgia;Tahoma;Times New Roman;Verdana)
- Click Save.
Specify available font colors

- Go to the Admin panel: Advanced section > Configuration settings page.
- Type font in the Search config settings field to narrow the config settings results.
- Find the config setting:
- Click in the Value column beside the config setting. Enter a comma-separated list of HEX codes for font colors that you want to be available for use. (E.g. 00923E,F8C100,28166F)
- Click Save.
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