Comments overview
Start a discussion on almost any page
On your ThoughtFarmer intranet many pages allow comments, which lets you start a discussion wherever you need to. When you add a comment, a notification of your comment automatically goes to people that are following the page. This may include the page owner and people who have edited or commented on or bookmarked the page. By default, comments result in in-app and email notifications for page followers. However, users can customize their notification settings so that they don't receive notifications for comments on pages that they follow.
With widespread commenting you can turn a blog post, a page of HR instructions, or anything else on the intranet into a useful discussion. Each of your comments will be accompanied by a thumbnail of your profile photo, which helps bring discussions to life.
When comments are added to content, they also appear in the Activity streams of people who have view permission on those pages. These activity items are interactive, and allow people to add comments to the discussion right from the Activity stream they are viewing.
Click "Add comment" on pages or activity items
Many intranet pages allow comments. Depending on the various Cards on a page, comments may appear in different places on different pages, but they are often found below the body content of the page. You can also add comments in Activity streams or as replies to Forum posts. To post a comment, click Add comment in any one of these areas. Type in your comment and then click Post.
You can insert images and links in comments and use most of the same text formatting available when you edit a page. (See complete instructions on how to insert links and how to insert images.)
Comment replies
Users can reply to a comment made by another user on the intranet.
If you want to respond to a specific comment, click Reply at the bottom of the comment. A comment input box will show below that comment, and when you add your reply it will show directly below as a reply to the previous comment. Others can add additional replies to that comment thread. To keep things simpler, your intranet only supports one level of replies to original comments. (i.e. You can't reply to replies.)
In Activity streams, comments and replies display at the same level of indentation, but if you visit the content directly you can see the comments and replies in context with each other.
Include a quote in your comment
If you want to quote another comment or piece of text in your comment, you can create formatting that sets the quote apart from the rest of your comment. Click the Quotes icon in the RTE toolbar to insert a vertical line and indented text area. Paste the text you want to quote next to the vertical line. Click on the Quotes icon again to type without the quote formatting. You can then add your comment and post it.
Mention a colleague in a comment to alert them
If you mention a colleague's name in a special way in a comment, they will receive an alert about that comment. Use Mentions to bring a comment to the attention of a colleague. You can use Mentions to let someone know information they need, or to draw their attention to a task they need to complete.
- In a comment, type the @ sign, and then start typing the name of the colleague you want to mention.
- A dropdown menu will appear with names that match what you have typed. Click on the name of the colleague you want in the menu.
- Your colleague's full name will be inserted after the @ sign, and will become a hyperlink, indicating that the name is now a Mention. eg. @Elijah Adams
Result: The colleague you mentioned will receive an alert about the comment in the Mentions tab of the Alerts menu on the Application Toolbar. Your colleague's name in the comment becomes a link that takes you to their profile page when clicked.
Users cannot turn off in-app notifications of when they are @mentioned, so when you @mention someone, you can be sure that they will receive at least an in-app notification of it.
Like a comment
Click the Heart icon below a comment to show that you like it or agree with it. Once someone likes a comment, a number beside the heart shows the number of people that have liked the comment. Hover over the number to see a pop-up showing which users like the comment.
To unlike a comment, click on the heart icon again to remove your like.
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