Following and alerts overview
Follow pages to be notified of changes
When you follow a page, it means you'll be notified when changes get made to the page. You're made aware of changes via in-app alerts on the App toolbar, desktop notifications and email notifications. You can control which notifications you receive in your profile settings.
You can receive in-app notifications when edits and comments are made, when a page is added, or when other changes are made to a page you follow. In-app notifications show up in the Notifications tab of the Alerts menu on the App toolbar, to the right of the Bookmarks, History, and Your Groups menu. When you have new notifications, a number appears on the Alerts menu bell icon, indicating how many new notifications you have. Desktop notifications appear on your screen when changes are made to pages while you are logged in to the intranet.
You can keep up-to-date with a News, Blog or Forum page by following it, as you will receive a notification of every new post. You can also follow files and folders to learn about changes made to them. This allows you to keep up with changes to information you need to know about.
Follow a page
- Go to the page you want to follow.
- Click the Follow icon (a flag) in the Page Sharing Buttons in the page header.
You can follow a file by performing the above steps on the individual file page, OR you can go to the page a file or folder is attached to, click the down arrow on the far right of the file or folder, and click on the Follow icon (a flag) in the File Controls that open.
Certain actions can result in your automatically following a page, such as adding a page, or commenting on a page. Page editors can also add you as a follower on a page. If someone makes you the new owner of a page, you will automatically follow that page. For more information, see How to change following and notification settings.
View in-app notifications
To view your new notifications, click on the Alerts menu in the App toolbar. Each notification tells you which page changed, what kind of change was made, when, and by whom. You can click on the notification to visit that page. New notifications will show with a red dot beside them until you view the page the notification was about.
You can view past notifications that are no longer showing in the Notifications tab. Click on the Alerts menu in the App toolbar, and at the bottom of the Notifications tab click Notifications history. You can then navigate from day to day to see past notifications. You can Unfollow pages in the notification history by clicking the Unfollow icon (a flag) on the right of the page title.
Broadcast Alerts
Broadcasts are messages that can be sent out to a group of intranet users by email, mobile push notification, or by displaying a banner across the top of intranet pages. Broadcast banners and push notifications can be dismissed, but if you want to read the message again, it will show in the Notifications section of the Alerts menu. Expired or deleted broadcast messages will not show in the Alerts menu. To learn more, see Create broadcasts.
Mention Alerts
To learn about how to use Mentions and the Alerts they trigger, see Mentions and Alerts.
Form Alerts
If your intranet has the FormFlow feature enabled, you may also receive Form Alerts in the Alerts menu. Learn more about Form Alerts.
Unfollow a page
Follow these instructions to unfollow one page at a time.
- Go to the page you want to unfollow.
- Click the Unfollow icon (a flag) in the Page Sharing Buttons in the page header.
To unfollow more than one page at a time, see the heading View and edit the list of pages that you follow below.
You can also unfollow a page after receiving an email notification about changes to the page. Every notification email has an Unfollow link near the bottom. Click it to unfollow the page, and confirm that you want to unfollow the page.
You can unfollow a file by performing the above steps on the individual file page, OR you can go to the page a file or folder is attached to, click the down arrow on the far right of the file or folder, and click on the Unfollow icon in the File Controls that open.
View and edit the list of pages that you follow
- Click your name or profile photo on the right of the App toolbar at the top of any page.
- In the menu that opens, click on General settings.
- Under the Following rules heading, click on the View content I follow link.
- To refine the list of pages you follow:
- Type search terms in the search box in the left column and press Enter, OR
- Choose to sort the results by Date followed or page Title, OR
- Click on filters on the left to filter the results by page type, or by when you followed the page.
- Click the Unfollow flags to the right of pages you want to unfollow, or click the Unfollow all button at the top of the page.
Hot intranet tip!
Follow a Blog, News or Forum section for notifications about new posts
Go to a Blog/News page, e.g. "Sales Team Blog," and click the Follow icon (a flag) in the Page Sharing Buttons. Once you do, you'll receive an in-app notification every time someone adds a new post. You can keep up with the latest news and be the first to know about what's happening. Depending on the settings the blog or news owner has selected, you may also receive notifications of comments, likes and edits made on posts. If your profile settings specify that you want to receive email notifications when new content is added to pages you follow, you'll also get email notifications of new posts.
Choose whether or not to receive daily and weekly emails
If your intranet administrator enables it, you can receive a daily catch-up email that summarizes activity on pages you follow, a weekly newsletter email that summarizes activity on pages you follow and popular pages, and a weekly email summary of pages you are assigned to review. To choose whether or not to receive these emails, go to your profile settings. To do this, click on your name or profile photo on the right of the App toolbar, then click General settings in the menu that opens. Under the Notifications heading, find the Summaries section. Turn the toggles to ON to receive the emails, and turn the toggles to OFF to stop receiving the emails.
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