App toolbar
App toolbar features
The App toolbar is the top bar on every page of your intranet. From any page, it allows easy access to your homepage, Alerts, files you have open for editing, search, and profile page. Depending on the settings on your intranet, you can also access your Bookmarks, History (recently viewed pages), and Your Groups from the App toolbar. You can go directly to help information or to editing your profile page from the menu on the right of the App toolbar. The menu may also have links to the Broadcast center, Required reading and Forms features.
Home icon
Click the home icon on the left to return to your intranet's homepage from any page.
Some intranets have multiple homepages. You might have access to a general homepage for the whole company, and a department or role-specific homepage with links and info tailored to your work. If you have access to multiple homepages, you can switch between them using the homepage selector in the top left of the intranet. A number and arrow appear beside the home icon when you can access multiple homepages. The number indicates how many homepages you can view. To switch homepages, click on the number or arrow beside the home icon, and select the homepage you want to view from the menu. Repeat those steps to switch back to the previous homepage.
Click on the Bookmark icon to see a list of pages you have bookmarked. Bookmark pages that you visit often (click the bookmark icon in the page sharing icons below the page title) for easy access from any page on the intranet. Once you have bookmarked a page, you can edit the bookmark name or delete it from either this list or the Bookmarks card. You can also add external websites or email addresses to your Bookmarks from the Bookmarks card. (See how to use Bookmarks for more information on Bookmarks.)
Click on the Clock icon to see the history of pages you have visited recently. Easily navigate back and forth between several pages using the History dropdown. Look here when you don't remember where in the navigation to find a certain page, but you know you've visited it recently.
Your Groups
If enabled, you will see a list of the groups you belong to in the Your Groups menu. This gives you easy access to team and project pages, and other groups relevant to your work.
Stacked Bookmarks, History and Your Groups
When browser width is below 720 pixels, the Bookmarks, History and Your Groups menus on the App toolbar consolidate into one menu with a stack/layer icon. Click or tap on the stack icon to open the menu, and select a tab to navigate between Bookmarks, History and Groups.
Locked files
When you open files from your intranet so you can edit them, a lock icon appears in the App toolbar that opens the Locked files menu. The number of files you have open shows as a number badge on the lock icon.
Any files you open for editing are locked so that no one else can edit them at the same time. The intranet uses a behind-the-scenes application called the ThoughtFarmer Desktop Connector to communicate with your computer and to allow you to edit files from the intranet and save the changes back to the intranet.
Click on the lock icon in the App toolbar to see which files you have open for editing, and finish editing by clicking "Done editing" below the file name.
(See how to open and lock files for editing for more information on locked files.)
Click in the search field to expand the search panel. The search dropdown shows you several recently viewed pages and recent searches. For a basic search, enter a search term and hit Enter or click the right arrow. You can also click on the menu at the left of the search field to choose to search for a specific type of content, or to search the people or groups directories or a particular section of the intranet. To Browse search or perform an Advanced Search using filters, just click the magnifying glass or arrow on the right of the search bar. (See how to use search for more information on search.)
The Alerts menu (click on the bell icon to open it) has two or three tabs - Notifications, Mentions, and Forms (if enabled on your intranet). You receive Notification alerts when changes are made to intranet pages that you follow, or when an intranet broadcast is sent. You receive Mention alerts when someone mentions you (by typing @yourname) in the body content of a page, a comment, or a Rich Text card. You receive Form alerts when Form entries are assigned to you.
When you have new Alerts, the total number of new Notifications, Mentions, and Form alerts appears on the Alerts menu icon on the App toolbar. Click on the bell icon to view your new alerts, your notifications history, and your Shout-out history. (To learn more about notifications, see Following and Alerts. To learn more about Shout-outs, see Shout-outs.)
Profile picture and name
Click on your profile picture or name to open a menu with several options.
In the open menu, click on your name or profile picture to go to your profile page. Edit profile takes you into edit mode on your profile page. General settings takes you to a page where you can change your timezone, preferred language, archived content view, alternate emails and notification and following settings. Help takes you to an intranet help site chosen by your intranet administrator. The View archived content toggle selects whether archived pages are visible to you or not. (See how to archive and delete pages for more information on archiving.)
If Broadcasts, Required reading, or Forms are enabled on your intranet, you may see links to them in this menu. Depending on the method used to login and access your intranet, there may be a Sign out option in this menu. If present, Change password/Security takes you to a screen for changing your password or activating two-factor authentication. Administrators also have a toggle for entering/leaving Admin Mode and a link to the Admin panel in the profile menu.
(See how to set up profile pages and select and upload a profile photo for more information.)
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