Content reviews admin settings
Admins can control who can create and configure content reviews, and when content review notifications are sent out.
Enable content reviews
The content review feature is enabled by default on your intranet. However, content reviews don't happen automatically just by enabling the feature. Content reviews need to be set up in the content review dashboard to initiate any content review process. You can configure content review permissions and notifications while the feature is turned off.
- Go to the ThoughtFarmer Admin panel: Content section > Content reviews page.
- Under the Content reviews heading, toggle the switch to ON to enable content reviews, or OFF to disable content reviews.
By default, only super administrators have permission to create and configure content reviews. You can choose who has permission to create and configure content reviews on the content review admin page.
- Go to the ThoughtFarmer Admin panel: Content section > Content reviews page.
- Under the Permissions heading, select the radio button for the desired permissions level:
- Super administrators only
- Administrators who can view and edit all site content: These are Super admins and admins who have the Access toggle "Allow this admin role to view and edit all site content when in Admin mode" turned on on the Administrator roles admin page.
- Everyone with View & Edit permissions
- Specific security groups or individuals when given View & Edit permission to the content: If you select this option, start typing the name of a security group or individual user in the field that appears below the option, and select the name when it appears in the dropdown menu. Repeat to add more groups or individuals.
- Click Save.
Notifications and weekly summary email
Alert and email notifications will be sent to content reviewers when content needs reviewing and when content is overdue. Reviewers will also receive a weekly summary email for content reviews that are due or overdue.
On the Admin panel: Content section > Content reviews page, you can set the time when the initial notification and overdue reminder notifications are sent, and you can select the day and time for the weekly summary email to be sent. The initial notification is sent on the day the content needs reviewing. The overdue reminder notification is sent the day after the due date for the content review.
To turn off notifications for reviewers go to the Admin panel: Notification section > Notification & newsletter settings page, where you can turn off content review alerts for new and existing users.
Individual users can turn off content review notifications on the General settings page accessed under the profile menu.
Reviewed icon
You can choose to display a "reviewed" checkmark icon on pages that have been marked reviewed within a certain time frame. The reviewed icon displays to the right of the page title, and if you hover over the icon the date the page was last reviewed on shows in a tooltip. All users who can view a page can see the reviewed icon.
On the ThoughtFarmer Admin panel: Content section > Content reviews page, under the Verified icon heading, you can choose whether or not to display the reviewed icon. You can also choose how long the icon will display beside the page title after the last review, with options between 3 months and 36 months. By default, the icon will display for 12 months after the page was last reviewed.
If you choose not to display the reviewed icon, users can still see when the page was last reviewed and who reviewed it by opening the Page controls below the page header and looking under the Info tab.
Notification if reviewers become inactive
If all reviewers for a piece of content become inactive, an email notification will be sent to super admins alerting them to this problem. The email includes a link to the content review dashboard so that the admin can assign a new reviewer to the content. On the content dashboard, the error message "No reviewer" will show with the content under the Reviewers column.
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