Configure Hobbies & interests card
Hobbies & interests card
The Hobbies & interests card is a way for colleagues to get to know each other on the intranet. The Hobbies & interests card can be added to profile pages. Users can select multiple hobbies and interests to display on their profile. When a user views another person's profile, they will see hobbies and interests that they have in common, as well as that person's unique interests. Users can pick from hobbies and interests that their intranet admin has made available on their interest.
Administrators can modify the title and interests of the Hobbies & interests card to display something else that users may have in common.
For user instructions about using the hobbies & interests card, see Add hobbies & interests to your profile.
Configure the Hobbies & interests card
To view the default interests and make changes to the Hobbies & interests card, go to the Admin panel: Content section > Hobbies & Interests page.
Add interests
The Hobbies & interests card comes with 20 hobbies and interests enabled by default. Interests display in alphabetical order.
- On the Admin panel: Content section > Hobbies & Interests page, click Add interest.
- Add the name of the hobby or interest in the Interest field.
- To choose an icon or emoji, click on the desired tab, then use the search box to filter the icons or emoji, and click on the icon or emoji you want. If you don't want to display an icon or emoji, turn the Show icon or emoji toggle off.
- To pick different colors, click on the color swatch beside Background color or text color and select the color you want from the color picker, or enter a color code.
- If you have multiple languages enabled on your intranet, click on the language menu at the bottom, select another language and enter the name of the interest in that language. Repeat for multiple languages.
- Click Save.
Duplicate interest
If you want to add an interest with the same name, icon/emoji, or colors, click the Duplicate icon on the right of the interest you want to duplicate. The duplicate interest will appear with the name Name of interest COPY. Click the edit icon beside the duplicate interest to edit the name, icon/emoji, or colors.
Change or remove interest icon or emoji
- Click on the edit icon beside the interest you want to change.
- To remove the icon or emoji, turn the Show icon or emoji toggle off.
- To change the icon or emoji, select the desired tab (Icons or Emoji), use the Search box to filter the icons or emojis, and click on the icon or emoji you want to use.
- Click Save.
Change shared interest colors
By default, the accent color selected in the intranet theme is the background color used for interests shared between you and another user.
To change the shared interest background and text color:
- Click on the edit icon beside the interest you want to change.
- Click on the color swatch beside Background color or text color and select the color you want from the color picker, or enter a color code.
- Click Save.
Delete interest
To delete an interest, click the garbage can icon on the right of the interest.
Add Hobbies & interests card to profile template
The Hobbies & interests card is not on the profile page template by default. An admin must edit the profile page content template and add the Hobbies & Interests card to the template to make it available for users.
- Go to the Admin panel: User interface section > Content templates page.
- Under Manage content templates, scroll down to find the People section. Click on the edit icon beside the Profile template.
- Click the plus sign to add the card in the column you want.
- Click on the Hobbies & Interests card in the card menu.
- Click and drag the card to place it where you want it in the template.
- Click Save at the bottom.
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