Organization Chart settings
On this page you will find instructions on how to use the Organization chart administration page. For an overview of the Org Chart from a user perspective, see Organization Chart.
On the Organization chart admin page, you can select:
- who will be at the top of the org Chart
- which person the org Chart will focus on when opened
- how many levels of the org Chart will show by default
- what information will be displayed about people when you hover over their photo and when you click on it
- the zoom level of the org chart
- whether export of the org chart to is enabled.
On the admin page, you can also see which users do not have an active manager, and therefore are not displaying in the org chart.
In order for the org Chart to be available for viewing, you need to set who the top level staff member is.
Set up the Organization Chart
To access these settings, go to the Admin Panel: Users & security section > Organization chart page.
Set top level staff
Your top level staff is the person or people who should appear on the top level of the org chart.
- Go to Admin Panel: Users & security section > Organization chart page.
- Click in the box under Top level staff and start typing the name of the person you want to be on the top level. Click on the person you want when you see them in the dropdown menu.
- To add multiple top level staff members, click Add and repeat step 2. You will see their names appear in a list below the entry box.
- If you want to remove a top level staff member that you have selected, click the X to the right of their name.
- For multiple top level staff members, drag and drop their names to re-order how they will appear in the chart from left to right.
- Click Save.
Set focal user
The focal user is the person the Org Chart will focus on when it is opened by clicking Org Chart Viewer in the top right of the People Directory, or when the reset button (circle icon by the zoom in/out buttons) is clicked while viewing the Org Chart. If the Org Chart is opened from a user's profile page, or from the icon beside a specific user's entry in the People Directory, the Org Chart will focus on that user.
You must set a top level staff member before the Focal user section appears. The first top level staff member added will automatically become the focal user.
- Go to Admin Panel: Users & security section > Organization chart page.
- Once you add a top level staff member, that person will automatically be chosen as the focal user. To select a different focal user, first click the X beside the name in the Focal user box.
- Click in the Focal user search box and start typing the name of the person you want to be on the top level. Click on the person you want when you see them in the dropdown menu. The name of the person you have selected will show in the box.
- Click Save.
Display levels
This is the default number of levels that will be displayed in the Organization Chart. Additional levels will initially be shown collapsed, until they are clicked on or zoomed in on.
Bottom level is collapsed, showing the number of people
- Go to Admin Panel: Users & security section > Organization chart page.
- Click the dropdown menu under the Display levels heading.
- Select the number of levels you want to display from the dropdown menu.
- Click Save.
Customize display information on avatar details and detail cards
In the Org Chart, when you hover over a person's avatar, an information bubble appears showing the person's name and up to three rows of information. This information will display for all users when viewing the org chart on the closest zoom level. When you click on a person's photo, a details card appears that shows the person's name, profile photo, profile cover photo, and other information. What information fields display in these places is selected by the intranet administrator. The chosen fields must be filled out on users' profiles in order to display in the Org Chart.
(Prior to version 9.6, Detail cards was called Display card, and Avatar details was called Hover display.)
Detail cards
Avatar details
- Go to Admin Panel: Users & security section > Organization chart page.
- Find the headings Details cards and Avatar details. The default information fields will be showing.
- To add a field, click +Add, click in the field that appears, and choose the information field that you want from the dropdown menu.
- To remove a field, click the X on the right of the field.
- To reorder the fields, grab a field on the left and drag and drop it into the order that you want.
- Click Save.
Set zoom level
As of version 9.4, you can choose the zoom level that the Org Chart will display at when it is opened.
Zoomed in - avatar details displayed in chart

Regular zoom - avatar details displayed on hover

Zoomed out - icons instead of avatars, details displayed on hover

To choose the zoom level:
- Go to Admin panel: Users & security section > Organization chart page.
- Under the heading Zoom level, select the radio button for the zoom level you want.
- Click Save. integration (formerly is a free browser-based diagram editor. The integration allows you to export the organization chart to in-browser, where you can make changes to the layout, add information, save it in other formats, or print it.When using this integration, no information is sent to servers, unless the high-quality export option is chosen.
- Go to the Admin Panel: Users & security section > Organization chart page.
- Scroll down to the Export to heading.
- To enable the integration, select the checkbox Allow the organization chart to be exported to
- The checkbox Include profile images is selected by default. If you do not want to include profile photos in the export, de-select the checkbox.
- Select the appropriate radio button for the information you want to include:
- Include information shown in Avatar details: The information that appears when you hover over the user avatar in the organization chart will be included.
- Include information shown in Detail cards: The information that shows when you click on a user in the organization chart will be included.
- If you want a high-quality export, select the checkbox Enable high-quality export. Please read the bullet point below for security implications before enabling this setting.
- When the high-quality export setting is enabled and a user chooses the export function in, the organization chart data (including profile images, if enabled) is sent to the server. The generated export file (eg. PNG, PDF) is sent from the service. If you would prefer that your organization chart data is not sent to the service, do not enable this export.
- Click Save.
Users without a manager
The org chart is created from the information that users add in the Relationships & groups section of their profiles. If a user has not added a manager to their profile, they will not appear on the org chart.If there are users on your intranet without managers specified, a message will appear at the top of the Organization chart admin page alerting you to this fact. You can view and assign a manager to these users by following these steps:
- Go to the Admin panel: Users & security section > Organization chart page.
- The warning message at the top says how many people do not have an active manager. Click the link View and assign or re-assign a manager to these people in the warning message. You will be redirected to the Users without a manager page.
- On the Users without a manager page, you can view and search the list of people who do not have a manager, or who have an inactive manager. Also listed is the Reports affected - people who are not displayed in the org chart because they report directly or indirectly to the people who do not have managers.
- Click on a person's name to visit their profile page. To assign a manager to them:
- Go into edit mode on their profile page.
- Click on the Relationships & groups section.
- (If there is an existing Inactive manager, click the X beside their name to remove them.) Click in the Manager field, start typing the name and click on it in the dropdown when it appears.
- Click Save at the bottom of the page.
Remove View Org Chart link from profiles
A link to view the Org Chart is one of the fields that shows in the Relationships & Groups tab on profile pages. You can remove that link from profile pages if you wish.- Go to the Admin panel: Users & security section > Template - profile details page.
- Under the Relationships & groups section, find the View in Org Chart field.
- Click the gear icon beside the View in Org Chart field. The Edit field window will appear.
- Uncheck the box Display field to hide the View Org Chart link from profile pages.
- Click Save in the Edit field window.
- Click Save at the bottom of the page.
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