Multiple homepages
Being able to create multiple homepages allows for different user groups to have tailored homepages unique to their needs and preferences. Admins can create distinct homepages for different groups, departments, or roles in your organization.
Admins give access to a homepage only to the desired group of users. Users can have access to more than one homepage, and can easily switch between them. By default, super admins and content admins can add and edit homepages.
The multiple homepages feature also allows admins to easily draft and preview edits when they want to make changes to the homepage.
Set up more than one homepage
There will always be at least one homepage. When you're ready to set up multiple homepages, follow these steps.
- Go to the Admin panel: Content section > Homepages page.
- Click Add homepage. A new homepage will open in edit draft mode with the Update cards window open.
- In the Update cards window, modify the template and set up cards for the new homepage as desired. (To learn more, see Configure homepage cards.)
- Click Done on the update cards window.
- Modify the Security permissions to make the homepage available to the group of users you want to access it. (See heading Security for multiple homepages.)
- Click Save to continue making edits later. When you are ready to publish the page, turn the draft toggle OFF and Publish the page.
Security for multiple homepages
Make sure to set the security for your homepages so the right users have access to the right homepages. A user can have access to multiple homepages, for example an all-staff homepage, and a tailored department homepage.
- While editing a homepage, click Done in the Update cards window if it is open.
- Click Security permissions on the right.
- In the Security pop-up window, uncheck the Use security settings from parent page if you don't want the homepage to inherit the security settings of the default site security.
- Click Add people and security groups.
- In the Enter names box, start typing the name of the user or security group you want to add. Click on the name of the person or security group when it appears in the dropdown menu. Repeat to add more users or security groups.
- Click Add. The users and groups you have added will have view permission for that homepage.
- If there is a person or group that you want to be able to edit the homepage. Change the Can edit toggle beside their name to ON.
- Click Save.
- Continue editing the homepage or click Save.
Display order of multiple homepages
The order of the homepages on the Homepages admin page serves as a priority sequence of homepages to display to a user. Starting at the top of the list, the first homepage that a user has access to is the one that will display to them.
How to reorder homepages:
- Go to the Admin panel: Content section > Homepages page.
- Click Reorder homepages on the top right of the list.
- In the Reorder homepages pop-up window, drag and drop homepages into the order that you want for a curated order.
- You can also sort homepages by an alphabetical sort by clicking on Curated and changing it to Title. (To switch back to a curated sort, drag and drop homepages into a different order.)
- To move a homepage to the top or bottom of the list, hover over the homepage and click on the three dots on the right of it. Select the option you want from the menu.
- Click Save. You will see the homepages listed in the order you selected.
If you have homepages customized to certain groups of users, and you want users to see the more customized homepages before the more generic homepage, put the customized homepages at the top of the list, and the generic homepage at the bottom of the list.
Users can always switch between multiple homepages that they have access to using the homepage selector in the top left. However, the homepage that will display to them first is the homepage nearest the top of the admin homepage list.
Edit default homepage template
When the multiple homepages feature is enabled, the homepage template can be modified on the Admin panel: User interface section > Content templates page. An administrator can modify the layout and cards for the default Homepage content template. This is the default homepage template someone will start with when they add a new homepage. To learn more about editing content templates, see Create and edit default templates.
Using multiple homepages to draft homepage changes
If you want to draft changes to your homepage while keeping it very similar, duplicate your existing homepage and make changes to the duplicate. If you want to draft a brand new homepage that is different than your existing one, you can just add a new homepage and start fresh.
- Go to the Admin panel: Content section > Homepages page.
- Click the Duplicate icon on the right of the homepage that you want to duplicate. You will go into edit mode on a homepage with the title "DUPLICATE OF (homepage)".
- Modify the template and set up cards as desired.
- Click Done in Update cards window.
- Give your homepage a new title to differentiate it from the current homepage. eg. Home (NEW)
- Security permissions will be duplicated from the original homepage, but you can click Security permissions to confirm or change the security settings.
- Turn the Draft toggle ON to be able to save your page without publishing while you continue to make changes to it.
- Save the page.
Preview draft homepage changes
You can preview draft homepage changes from the admin panel Homepages page by clicking the name of the homepage that you want to preview.
When you are done making changes to the homepage and you're ready for it to go live, take it out of draft mode and publish it! You can put the old homepage in draft mode to hide it from users.
Currently it is not possible to assign different themes to different homepages. The current chosen theme will apply to all homepages.
Multiple homepages instructions for users
Admins can give users access to more than one homepage. You might have access to a general homepage for the whole company, and a department or role-specific homepage with links and info tailored to your work. Which homepage you see by default depends on the order that is set up on the admin panel.
You can switch between different homepages using the homepage selector in the top left of the intranet. A number and arrow appear beside the home icon when you can access multiple homepages. The number indicates how many homepages you can view. To switch homepages, click on the number or arrow beside the home icon, and select the homepage you want to view from the menu. Repeat those steps to switch back to the previous homepage. The homepage you have selected last is the one that will display to you until you switch homepages again.
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