Homepage options
Setting up your homepage
Your homepage is the jumping-off point for users on your intranet. The features you choose to have on your intranet homepage affect the intranet's usefulness and adoption. Select the best homepage options for your organization.
Edit homepage
Editing the homepage is a lot like editing any other content type on the intranet. You can access the homepage edit page directly from the homepage, without having to go to the Admin panel. The homepage template is populated with some cards by default, but you are free to add cards and remove most cards. (To learn more about templates, see What is a content template? and Modify a page template. To learn more about cards, see What are cards? and Card descriptions.)
- If you have multiple homepages on your intranet, navigate to the homepage that you want to edit.
- On the homepage, click the gear icon on the right of the main navigation bar. (You must be in Admin mode to see the gear icon.)
- Click on Edit homepage in the menu that opens. You will see edit page with the set up cards window for the homepage open.
- Close the set up cards window to enter a title for the homepage. (eg. You can call it Home, or enter {NAME}'s Home to personalize the name with users' names.)
- See the headings below to learn how to make different changes to the homepage.
- Click Save in the top right when you are done editing.
Change homepage layout
- When you enter homepage edit mode, the Update cards window is automatically open. (If you close it, click Set up cards under Content type & template on the right to open it again.)
- In the Update cards window, click Modify template on the left.
- Click on the columns icon in the top right.
- Click on one of the three layout options in the dropdown menu that opens. (To learn more, see Page layout options.)
- Click Done in the Update cards window.
- Continue editing the homepage, or click Save if you are done.
Add, remove and reorder cards
- When you enter homepage edit mode, the Update cards window is automatically open. (If you close it, click Set up cards under Content type & template on the right to open it again.)
- In the Update cards window, click Modify template on the left.
- To add a card: In the template diagram, click on the plus sign to add a card in that column. Click on a card in the menu that opens on the right to add it to the template. Repeat to add more cards.
- To remove a card: Click on the garbage can icon on the right of a card to remove it. (Not all cards can be removed.)
- To change the order or column placement of cards: Click and hold on a card and drag it up or down to reorder the cards in that column, or click on a card and drag and drop it into another column.
- Click Done in the Update cards window.
- Continue editing the homepage, or click Save if you are done.
Homepage header
The homepage has an area to add a homepage header, or top level, full-width card. This area is not available on other content pages, only the homepage. Currently, only the News carousel card and custom cards can be added to the homepage header area. The homepage header area is a highly visible area that can be used to feature important news posts and information. The homepage header spans all columns of the homepage for all layouts. It displays below the site header (where the logo displays) and the main navigation, and above all other cards, including the SuperNav.
To add a card to the homepage header, go into edit mode on the homepage, in the Update cards window, click Modify template, and add a card to the top level full-width area that shows in the template. (If the homepage header is empty, it will not show in the Update cards window until Modify template is selected.) If no card is added to the homepage header area, this space will not appear on the homepage, rather the main homepage columns will fill the area.
Place to add homepage header displays after clicking Modify template
Multilingual homepage
If you have more than one language enabled on your homepage, customize your homepage for each language. Click on the dropdown menu in the top right of edit homepage to select the language icon for the homepage version that you want to edit. Make changes to versions for each enabled language. To learn more about multilingual features, see Language localization.
Homepage navigation options
Various navigation options are available for your intranet homepage:
Display link to homepage in the top navigation
The homepage is accessible by clicking the site logo or the home icon on the left of the App toolbar. A link to the homepage does not show in the top navigation by default, but you can choose to display it there. If you have multiple homepages, changing this option will affect all homepages.
- Click on the gear icon on the right of the top navigation.
- Click on Set navigation options in the menu that opens.
- In the Navigation options window that appears, for the option "Display home in the top navigation":
- Check the checkbox to show the link to the homepage.
- Uncheck the checkbox to hide the link to the homepage.
- Click Save.
Enable dropdown menus in the top navigation
Administrators can enable dropdown menus that list the child pages for pages shown in the top navigation bar. The dropdown menus display when a cursor hovers over a tab in the top navigation. If you have multiple homepages, changing this option will affect all homepages.
- Click on the gear icon on the right of the top navigation.
- Click on Set navigation options in the menu that opens.
- In the Navigation options window that appears, for the checkbox "Enable dropdown menus in the top navigation":
- Check the checkbox to enable dropdown menus.
- Uncheck the checkbox to disable dropdown menus.
- Click Save.
Show/hide link to a user's profile page in the top navigation
Users are always able to access their profiles from the right of the App toolbar by clicking on their profile photo or name and selecting View profile. You can also make users' profiles available from the top navigation via a personalized link (For example, "Hiromi's Profile"), but this is not enabled by default. If you have multiple homepages, changing this option will affect all homepages.
To show the link:
- Click on the gear icon on the right of the top navigation.
- Click on Set navigation options in the menu that opens.
- In the Navigation options window that appears, for the checkbox "Show a link to the user's profile page in the top navigation":
- Check the checkbox to show the link to the user's profile page.
- Uncheck the checkbox to hide the link to the user's profile page.
- Click Save.
Hide Left Navigation (SuperNav) for desktop homepage
Some administrators may wish to hide the tree-style navigation from the homepage on desktop computers. Note that it will still appear on other pages. If you have multiple homepages, this setting is changed on a per-homepage basis.
- If you have multiple homepages, navigate to the homepage that you want to edit.
- Click on the gear icon on the right of the top navigation.
- Click on Edit homepage in the menu that opens. The Update cards window will automatically open.
- In the Update cards window, find the Left Navigation Card.
- Select the checkbox Hide for desktop.
- Click Done in the bottom right of the Update cards window.
- Click Save on the top right.
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