Rich Text Editor
Use the Rich Text Editor to edit pages & comments
The Rich Text Editor (RTE) is the content box you use to edit the contents of a page or to post comments. These content boxes include a toolbar with many text formatting functions similar to Microsoft Word (the toolbar is part of the RTE).
The rich text editor is also known as a WYSIWYG editor (what you see is what you get). WYSIWYG editors were created and named early in the life of the internet, when the only way to create a web page was to write HTML code directly. The introduction of WYSIWYG editors allowed you to write the content of web pages in a normal way without needing to be a web nerd.
"Rich text" means it's formatted with bold, etc.
"Rich text" means text that is formatted, such as with bold and italics, bullets, links, highlighting, headings, etc. The alternative to rich text is "plain text" which consists of simple characters all of the same font, size and color.
When you create and edit content using the Rich Text Editor you are actually creating web pages on the intranet. These web pages are created using HTML code, the basic technical language of web pages. The Rich Text Editor translates your text and formatting into the HTML code that makes up the page.
HTML consists of plain text accompanied by web code tags that specify formatting and display options. You can switch between editing an intranet page using the Rich Text Editor and editing the HTML code of the page directly by clicking the "Source" button in the RTE.
RTE full screen mode
You can switch the Rich Text Editor to full screen mode by clicking the Maximize editor button in the RTE toolbar. To minimize back to the regular view, click the Minimize editor button.
Remove hidden formatting option
Sometimes when you copy content from another source and paste it into an intranet page, there is hidden formatting in the copied HTML that affects how the page displays. If ThoughtFarmer detects hidden formatting in your page content, a warning message will appear under the page title. You can click Remove hidden formatting to get rid of the hidden formatting.
Removing the hidden formatting may change the way the page content displays. If you don't like the changes made by removing the hidden formatting, you can click Undo changes to revert back to the original formatting.
Table of contents tool
The Table of contents tool auto-generates a table of contents from the headings on a page. The Table of contents shows the overall structure of the page and allows page viewers to click on a heading to navigate to that section of the page. The Table of contents automatically updates as edits are made to the page headings.
Find and replace tool
The Find and replace tool allows you to type in some text (whether it's part of a word, a word, or a phrase) and click Find to locate that text in the rich text editor body. Click the up and down arrows to navigate between the matching text that is found. Enter text in the Replace with... field to change the found text, and click Replace to replace one instance of the text, or Replace all to replace every instance of the text.
Slash command shortcuts
You can easily select formatting options using only the keyboard by typing a forward slash in the Rich Text Editor. When you do that, a menu of options will appear. You can select headings, lists, tables, and more.
Type a word after the forward slash to narrow down the formatting options eg. /list
Use the arrow keys to navigate up and down the slash commands menu. When you have highlighted the option you want, press Enter to select it. You can then continue typing with the formatting you have selected in place.
Spell check
Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari have built-in spell checkers that will underline misspelled words as you type. Right-click on a misspelled word to see a menu that includes spelling suggestions.
If enabled on your intranet, you can enter emojis in the Rich Text Editor when editing a page. Click on the emoji icon in the RTE and type to search for an emoji, or scroll or navigate through the sections of the emoji list.
You can also enter emojis by typing a colon ":" and then typing to search for the emoji you want. A dropdown list will appear with emojis that match your term; click to select the one you want. Use this method to enter emojis in places that don't display the RTE, like when leaving a comment or a Shout-out from an Activity card.
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