Use search filters
Use filters to target more specific search results
Use these instructions to narrow down search results using search filters. Filters are easy to use and help target search results very specifically and weed out results you don't need.
Five filters for site search
Whenever you search your intranet you'll see five different search filters on the left-hand side of the search results page. Each filter offers a different way to narrow down the results.
Filter 1: Type

- 13 content types (People, Files, Pages, Groups, News/Blogs, Forums, Calendars, Photo Galleries, Mailing Lists, Polls, Links, Comments, Updates)
Use the Type filter if you know the format of the content you seek. For instance, if you are looking for a PowerPoint file, click Files to remove other content types from the results and see only attached documents.
Filter 2: Edited By
- List of top names, plus search box
Use the Edited by filter if you know the name of a person who edited the content you seek, but may not own it. You'll see listed the names of the people who've edited the highest number of the pages that show up in the search results. Click on one of the names listed to see only results edited by that person.
Filter 3: Owned By
- List of top names, plus search box
Use the Owned by filter if you know the name of the person who owns the content you seek. You'll see listed the names of the people who own the highest number of the pages that show up in the search results. Click on one of the names listed to see only results edited by that person.
Filter 4: Posted Date
- Last 24 hours
- Last 7 days
- Last 30 days
- Last 3 months
- Last 6 months
- Last year
- Over 1 year
Use the Posted Date if you know approximately when someone posted the specific content you seek. For instance, if you are looking for notes from a meeting that took place earlier in the week, click "Last 7 days" to narrow down the results to only content posted within the last week.
Filter 5: Tag
- List of top tags used, plus search box on tag bundles
Use the Tag filter to see only the pages to which someone has added a specific tag. You'll see tag bundles with the tags used most on the pages that show up in the search results, as well as a group of unbundled tags found on the search results pages. Click on one of the tags listed to see only results that have that tag.
Different filters for People & Group search
The People Directory and the Groups Directory each use different sets of search filters that are more helpful for the specific types of searches those sections offer.
Type in specific name or tag to narrow results
For the Edited by, Owned by and Tag filters you can type in a specific name or tag, respectively, to narrow down results.
At the bottom of the list of names in the Edited by or Owned by filter look for a small search box. Start typing in a name and a list of matching names will automatically appear; click on the one you want and then click on the search button (the mini magnifying glass). You can do the same for tags at the bottom of the Tags filter.
Undo search filters at top of page
Each time you click on a search filter the results page will refresh and the filter will show up in the box near the top of the page just below the search box. Each active filter looks like a button and when you use multiple filters you'll see all of them listed at the top of the page.
If a filter you chose turns out not to be helpful, remove it by clicking the X to the right of that filter's name at the top of the page. If you want to start your search from scratch click Clear filters to the right of the current filters.
View archived content in search
When you perform a search, if any archived content matches your search, an option will appear at the top of your search results to Show # archived content items. Clicking this option will include the archived items in the search results, whether or not you have chosen to show archived items in your personal settings.
For more information about archiving, see how to archive and delete a page.
Hot intranet tip!
Preview, download or open files from search results
When you perform a search, you can preview files right from the search results to see if that is the file you are looking for. Click the down arrow to the right of the file title to open the File Editing Menu, and click Preview. The File Preview window will open, allowing you to navigate through the first few pages of the file, and view any comments that have been made on the file.
You can also click the down arrow on the right of the file title, and then select from the File Editing Menu to download the file or open it for editing.
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