Compare ThoughtFarmer web application and mobile app
The ThoughtFarmer mobile app is a full-featured app that offers the same capabilities as the ThoughtFarmer web application. This page lists differences between the two applications, as well as a few instances where actions possible with the web application are not possible using the mobile app.
- The links to Home, Bookmarks/History/Groups, Alerts and Profile menu found in the top App toolbar on ThoughtFarmer web are found on the bottom bar on the mobile app.
- There is no Main Navigation Bar on the mobile app. Tap the hamburger icon on the top right to open the navigation menu.
- In ThoughtFarmer web, the profile menu is accessed from the top right; in the mobile app, the profile menu is accessed from the bottom right. The top right hamburger menu in the mobile app opens the navigation menu from the left side.
- Search filters are found in the SuperNav (left-hand navigation) in ThoughtFarmer web. In the mobile app, search filters similarly display in a menu that opens from the left side, but a Filter link has been added to the search results page to help users find the search filters easily.
- If users have access to more than one homepage, they can switch between homepages using the menu beside the home icon in ThoughtFarmer web. In the mobile app, users need to tap the hamburger menu in the top right and then tap the number/arrow beside Home in the navigation to access a menu and switch between homepages.
- The Mobile app has a Share page feature accessible from the Share icon below the page title. In the web app, the share page feature is not included, as you can copy the URL to share it elsewhere.
- On ThoughtFarmer web, you can view previews of files embedded from integrated cloud drives. On the mobile app, embedded cloud drive files appear as file titles/links under the heading Embedded files. Click on an embedded file title to view it, similar to a cloud drive file link.
- ThoughtFarmer web provides an option to view images and attachments in a separate browser tab but this feature is not applicable in the mobile app.
- To view an item, it can be downloaded to the device and opened with its native viewer.
- The Desktop Connector feature is not applicable to the mobile app and not implemented. This means that files on the intranet cannot be opened for editing and saved back to the intranet using the mobile app.
- The PDF Viewer custom card is not yet fully implemented for the mobile app.
- Page editing on the mobile app:
- When adding or editing a page on the mobile app, tap Add or Edit under the Body heading to open the Rich Text Editor and add or edit body content.
- Rich Text Editor tools are limited by default due to space limitations.
- The content template cannot be edited for the page, i.e. cannot add, delete, reorder or set up cards.
- The page breadcrumb does not display in edit mode.
- Move page is not available in edit mode.
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