Access solutions for common issues with your ThoughtFarmer intranet, including DNS problems, Java updates, Active Directory issues, and troubleshooting tools
- CloudFlare DNS issues
- Update Java version for ElasticSearch 7
- Active Directory troubleshooting tool - incoming user
- Emergency Troubleshooting Tips
- "Sorry you don't have access" - clock skew and assertion lifetime
- Duplicate users created by EDC sync
- How to troubleshoot "An error occurred while starting the application"
- FormFlow: Communication with the ThoughtFarmer API failed
- Your user can't see a page? Security permissions troubleshooting 101
- Emails from ThoughtFarmer are being marked as spam
- There are stale tasks in the task queue
- Resolving Server 500 errors
- Activity index
- Troubleshooting the search index
- Desktop Connector troubleshooting
- System logs
- Task queue
- System caches
- Known Issues