Profile page activity
Activity on your profile page
Your profile page has an Activity card that shows activity you have performed, updates that you have posted, shout-outs and messages that have been sent by you or to you. There are four tabs on your Profile Activity - Highlights, Updates, Shout-outs and Messages.
The Highlights tab shows all your activity, not including updates, shout-outs or messages. It includes pages you've created and edited, files you've uploaded or updated, comments you've added, and more. The Updates tab contains all of the updates you have posted to everyone, to a group, or as a message on someone else's profile page. The Shout-outs tab contains Shout-outs that you have sent, and Shout-outs you have commented on. The Messages tab contains messages left on your profile page by other users, and messages you have sent to other users.
Everyone's profile page shows their Activity, Updates, Shout-outs and Messages. When you go to a colleague's profile page you can see everything your colleague has been working on, as long as you have permission to view it. This means you can navigate to updated content by people rather than the navigation structure.
Example: If you know that Chris recently updated the meeting agenda for tomorrow but you don't know where it is on the intranet, just go to Chris' profile page and browse their activity stream.
You can also leave a message for someone on their profile page in the Messages tab, but be aware that these messages are not private and can be viewed by everyone.
Learn more about Activity streams on other pages, Shout-outs or Updates and Messages.
Interact with the Activity stream
When someone posts an update, or comments on a piece of content, it starts a whole new realm of interaction. Below updates, messages, Shout-outs and comments in the activity stream, you'll see options to like the item or comment on it. Click on the three dots icon on the right and a menu opens with options to Bookmark, Email or View the update. The most recent comments show below the activity item with an open comment box so you can contribute to the discussion.
Customize activity streams
Intranet admins can customize profile page activity cards by selecting which tabs will show in the activity cards. To learn more, see Activity card.
Activity in the page controls on your profile
There is a different activity stream found in the page controls on your profile page. This activity stream is focused on activity on your profile page and its subpages.
To view this activity stream, click the down arrow on the right of the page header to open the page controls, and click on View activity. The All activity pop-up window will open to display all activity for that page and its subpages. To return to viewing the profile page, click the X in the top right of the activity window.
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