Notification config settings
Configuration settings for notifications
To access the configuration settings that affect notifications:
- Go to the Admin panel: Advanced section > Configuration settings page.
- Start typing the config setting name in the Search config settings field to narrow the config settings results.
- Find the config setting you want to change.
- Click in the Value column beside the config setting and change the value of the setting in the box that appears.
- Click Save.
Change length of time before another notification email is sent
The notification timeout setting can be configured to reduce the amount of emails sent for similar activity. If the same user edits a page twice a second notification is only sent to all watchers of the page if the second edit occurred after the notification timeout period.
Change the config setting to the time in minutes that you want to elapse between notifications about changes to the same page/file/folder. This setting applies to page adds and edits, not to comments, archiving/restoring, following, etc.
Change how many notifications show in menu
Change the config setting applicationToolbar.notifications.numberOfItems to the number of notifications that you want to show in the notifications menu on the application toolbar. As new notifications appear, they will replace older notifications, so only the specified number of notifications shows in the menu.
Change length of time between checking for new Alerts
Administrators can control how often the intranet checks if users have new Alerts (Notifications/Mentions). When a user has new Alerts, this is signified by a red dot containing the number of new Alerts shown in the Alerts menu.
Change the config setting notifications.pollingInterval to the time in milliseconds that you want to elapse between checking for Alerts.
Allow page editors to suppress notifications for a page edit
Administrators can surface an option to suppress in-app and email notifications for individual page edits. The default for the checkbox "Do not notify followers" is unchecked, and it needs to be checked for each page edit for which an editor does not want to trigger notifications for page followers. There is no option to suppress notifications when adding a page. Page edits will still be displayed in Activity Cards when edit page notifications have been set to suppressed.
Change the config setting page.edit.notificationSuppressionEnabled to true to allow page editors to have the option to suppress in-app and email notifications for a page edit.
Change notification email summary length
When new content is created, an email notification is sent to the parent page followers who have allowed emails for new content in their settings. By default the character limit of the email summary is 256. The character limit is controlled by the config setting and the value can be changed as desired. To allow the notification email summary to have no character limit (i.e. display the full page text), enter -1 as the value for the config setting.
The notification email summary length for forum topics is controlled by its own config setting, email.forumTopic.summaryLength. See Forum types and options for more information.
Enable reply to notification email for new pages and page edits
The ability to add comments to a page by replying to an email notification about a comment is always available from your ThoughtFarmer intranet. Admins can also enable the ability to add comments from email notifications that are about new pages or page edits. When enabling this feature, admins choose which page types this feature will be available on, and add a list of page types to the config setting incomingMail.comment.pageTypes.
The page types that can be entered in to this config setting's value are: Page, Section, Calendar, PhotoGallery, NewsBlog, Forum, Group, Post, CalendarEvent, Document, ForumTopic, MicroBlogEntry, ShoutOut.
If comments are not allowed on a page and a user tries to reply email to add a comment, they will receive an email saying the reply email cannot be delivered.
To enable adding comments from notification emails about new pages or page edits:
- Go to the Admin panel: Advanced section > Configuration settings page.
- Type comment in the Search config settings field to narrow the config settings results.
- Find the config setting incomingMail.comment.pageTypes.
- Click in the Value column beside the config setting. Enter a comma-separated list of page types that will allow users to add comments by replying to notification emails.
- Click Save.
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