Set up license count warning emails
As an administrator, you can receive automatic emails when your number of intranet users approaches or exceeds your license limit. This lets you keep track of the number of licenses on your site and prompts you to contact ThoughtFarmer support to order more licenses to meet the needs of your organization.
Who receives these emails?
You have the option of sending emails to all of the administrators on your site or only the system administrator.
Who are your administrators?
- Check who your administrators are by going to the Admin panel: Users & security section > User management page.
- On the left-hand menu under Account Type, click the option to filter by Administrators.
- This generates a list of all the administrators on your site.
Who is your system administrator?
- You can check who your system administrator is by going to the Admin panel > Site settings (listed at the top left under Version and Maintenance period).
- You'll see the System administrator listed as the last field in this pop-up box.
- The email associated with that profile is the one that will be sent notifications for the system administrator.
Enable emails for all administrators
- Go to the Admin Panel: Advanced section > Configuration Settings page.
- Copy and paste this text into the Search config settings field:
- Click in the Value column beside the setting. By default, it is set to false. Select the radio button for true.
- Click Save.
Enable emails for system administrator only
- Go to the Admin Panel: Advanced section > Configuration Settings page.
- Copy and paste this text into the Search config settings field:
- Click in the Value column beside the setting. By default, it is set to false. Select the radio button for true.
- Click Save.
When will warning emails be sent?
When 95% to 100% of the user limit has been reached:
- When your license usage gets between 95-100%, there is a trigger set to recheck it in 48 hours.
- If in 48 hours you are still between 95-100%, you will receive the approaching license limit warning email.
- If the recheck determines you surpassed 100%, you will receive the license limit exceeded email instead.
When 100% or more of the user limit has been reached:
- When your license usage gets above 100%, there is a trigger set to recheck it in 48 hours.
- If in 48 hours you are still above 100%, you will receive the license limit exceeded email.
- If the recheck determines you are between 95%-100%, you will receive the approaching license warning email instead.
We allow a 48-hour period before we send you an email just in case you are making adjustments to your licenses, or there was an error. This gives you a grace period to adjust it to normal as needed.
If you have any questions about this, please submit a ticket to our ThoughtFarmer Helpdesk.
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