Outgoing email
Outgoing email is used by ThoughtFarmer for email notifications. Users can choose in their settings to receive email notifications when certain actions happen on pages they follow. Users can also choose in their settings which of their actions will result in them following pages. For more information, see Overview of following and notification alerts.
The Outgoing mail admin page is not available for cloud customers. If you are a cloud customer and you want to make changes to outgoing email, please contact the ThoughtFarmer Helpdesk for assistance.
Configure outgoing email
If you are an on-premise customer, go to the Administration panel: Notifications section > Outgoing mail page.
- Click enable to allow you to enter the following configuration information:
- ThoughtFarmer URL: The URL most users will use to access the site. This is used to format links within email notifications.
- From email address: The email address that will be used to send all emails. This does not need to actually exist and should not correspond to the incoming email address. Best practice is to use a dead-end address like no-reply@domain.com.
- Error handling: Selecting this checkbox will display a text box in which you can enter the domains that are allowed to receive error messages. You can use this feature to prevent people outside of your organization receiving error messages. (For instance, if there is an error when someone outside your organization tries to add a new comment on the intranet.)
- Outgoing mail server: The name of the mail server (e.g. smtp.mailserver.com)
- Port: The port to access the mail server. The default SMTP port is 587. Secure SMTP uses port 465 by default.
- This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL): Check this box if SSL is required on the mail server.
- Username: Username used for accessing the mail server's SMTP service (not necessarily required depending on server settings)
- Password: Corresponding password for user.
- Click Save to apply the changes.
- Go back to the Outgoing mail page and click the Test configuration button.
- In the dialog that appears, you can type an email address into the Test email address field or leave it as your logged in user's default.
- Click Test configuration. Any errors in connecting or logging on will be presented in the test results.
Once both tests are successful and you have received the test email then the outgoing email will be fully configured and operational.
See Notification settings for more options for outgoing email notifications.
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